Saturday, May 15, 2010

Graduation day and relative connections

So today I officially walked, even though I had already completed my MBA requirements last fall and had received my diploma. But I wanted to walk for my fam since I didn't walk for my first Master's. I expected to feel at least good, but events leading up to today left me rather...hmmm....unmoved. I awoke feeling crappy. Nauseous, headache-y, and just wanting the day to be over. Most that I wanted to be there couldn't be in attendance, so it left my support team rather small, but I was okay with that. Well, I had no choice but to be.

I also left my tassel at home and THEN lost my placement card, so I was rather discombobulated walking around, with professors reassuring me that IT'S OKAY. :) If only they knew the true source of my unease.

Anyway, while standing in line(alphabetically), there was another woman with the same last name as myself. We talked amongst each other and I just had the urge to ask of where her family was from. Ask if they were from North Carolina, as I had discovered my great-grandfather was born there. And wouldn't you know it, the side of the family w/our shared last name(paternally) WAS from North Carolina, and her father actually had participated in some intensive genealogy research. DING DING! That perked me up, as I had begun doing research on my father's side this month.

Could she be a distant relative and could her father possibly hold the keys to missing family information? Only time will tell, but we did exchange numbers to keep in touch.

I guess something good DID come out of this day. ;)

Oh, and I'm sure folks want pics. I may add some as I haven't even checked to see what pics were taken of me, but I WILL say since I DO post about hair over here, I wore twists pulled back. Simple. Hopefully the official grad photo doesn't have me looking too special. :P

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