Pretty self-explanatory. :)
Tee can be purchased here
Natural Urbanista
Natural Urbanista
Natural Urbanista
The content on my page is opinion, sprinkled in with fact supported by research from reliable/credible sources. Advice and opinions are strictly that, and should not be substituted for seeking professional assistance concerning dermatologic issues, or any other issues that involve seeking medical intervention. No compensation or incentives are provided for the endorsement of products or services, so you can rest assured that opinions expressed are unbiased in intent.
This page consists of my own words and my own personal thoughts, unless noted. I do my best to cite references and outside sources. Any similarity to any other site or blog is purely coincidental and not plagiaristic in nature. Considering how much information about hair and life is circulating on the net, there is bound to be repetition, so please keep this in mind when reading. I know I do. But if you happen to reference anything from my site, please be courteous and give proper credit as I will do the same. I also will try to credit sources of copyrighted material.
Now that all of that boring stuff is out of the way….ENJOY!