Until then(if ever), I'll just live vicariously through her. ;)
The pics below are from a photoshoot for her album.
Natural Urbanista
Natural Urbanista
The content on my page is opinion, sprinkled in with fact supported by research from reliable/credible sources. Advice and opinions are strictly that, and should not be substituted for seeking professional assistance concerning dermatologic issues, or any other issues that involve seeking medical intervention. No compensation or incentives are provided for the endorsement of products or services, so you can rest assured that opinions expressed are unbiased in intent.
This page consists of my own words and my own personal thoughts, unless noted. I do my best to cite references and outside sources. Any similarity to any other site or blog is purely coincidental and not plagiaristic in nature. Considering how much information about hair and life is circulating on the net, there is bound to be repetition, so please keep this in mind when reading. I know I do. But if you happen to reference anything from my site, please be courteous and give proper credit as I will do the same. I also will try to credit sources of copyrighted material.
Now that all of that boring stuff is out of the way….ENJOY!
If you lightly blow-dry your hair, I believe you could get the same hang.
Not with my hair. A light blow-dry gives me a Diana-Ross-ish look...which isn't a bad thing. Just won't garner the same results. :)
I also have 4 different textures/curl-types that I'm working with that all respond differently to manipulation. The back hangs like India's entire head(wavy-ish and looser). Certain parts on the front and side shrink up more than 60%, and the middle sections(crown) are in between both.
I'd also need to grow my hair to tailbone length stretched if I didn't want to use heat to get that result, or something similar. My hair is about waist-length stretched(the longest length anyway), and it barely touches my shoulders with shrinkage on same days. LOL
I'll just salivate over hers. I try to minimize manipulation. :)
Thanks for trying to help, though!
Her hair looks damaged on the ends and she isn't that pretty. You on the other hand are beautiful--sad how we often dont see our reflection--
@Anon I honestly wasn't looking that closely to the ends of her hair to notice damage, but it doesn't negate her and/or her hair's beauty.
I appreciate your compliment and trust me when I say....I see my reflection quite clearly. Seeing beauty in others doesn't mean I don't see beauty in myself. :)
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